Floating Market of Dal Lake

About Floating Vegetable Market in Srinagar, Kashmir On Dal Lake, the Floating Vegetable Market is a unique site to savour in Srinagar. This colorful floating market, set against the beautiful backdrop, marks it as a photographer’s haven. The pr [...]

Golf course in Kashmir
Kashmir, a golfer’s Paradise

Kashmir, a Golfer’s Paradise The Mughat Emperor Jehangir while reaching the Kashmir Valley has rightly said that If there ts heaven on earth. it is this. it is this, it is this’ If this quote has to be rephrased in the present era it would b [...]

15 Best Things to do In Kashmir

15 Best Things to do in Kashmir There are countless activities and Things to do in Kashmir, as Kashmir has around 15 Major tourist attractions which offer a huge number of Things to do, So we have organised a short list of fa [...]

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