Kargil War Memorial

Kargil War Memorial is a war Memorial build by Indian Army in 2012 in memory of martyred soldiers of BSF and Indian army, this war was triggered by the infiltration of Pakistan Army and it’s militant groups who captured the Line of Control (LOC) posts, it’s was because the Indian Army used to leave the posts for about 3 to 4 months of harsh winters and when the trekked back to their bunkers the Pak army opened fire thus it resulted the war between India and Pakistan. (Also Read Srinagar to Leh road Trip Guide)

The war Memorial is located in the village of Drass. On the left side of Srinagar – Leh highway near a small village of Drass, with Tololing mount in background and The Tiger hill can also seen from this place, besides you can also visit the village which was hit by the Pakistani Motar shelling in this war, it’s just few meters ahead from the memorial, the big holes on the ground and the broken houses of this village tells lots of story.

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500 Indian soldiers. 
According to a India today news report, More than 500 Indian soldiers died in the Kargil War

How many Pakistani soldiers died in Kargil War 1999?

Report of The Hindu News

kargil war memorialGeneral Musharraf’s book said 357 troops were killed and over 660 injured but political parties have claimed that thousands of soldiers and insurgents died in the conflict. The opposition PML-N put the death toll at 3,000 and nearly 200 Pakistani casualties were buried on the Indian side.

Photo By Reflectionsbyprajakta – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

How long did Kargil war last?

Kargil War Memorial60 days
The Kargil war was fought for more than 60 days, ended on 26 July and resulted in loss of life on both the sides. The war ended with India regaining control of all the previously held territory, hence re-establishing the status quo ante bellum.

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